Skin Rituals Expert Black Facialist specializing in acne and hyperpigmentation Dallas, TX

Skincare has been a huge part of my life for years as I’ve struggled with acne since adolescence. I’ve tried countless products and went to many dermatologists who prescribed antibiotics, harsh cleansers, and ointments. I also tried the birth control route, but nothing worked or lasted. Acne was devastating to my self-confidence and quality of life from adolescence through adulthood. I found myself at times not going to events or just not wanting to leave home because of my skin. When we had to wear masks during the pandemic, I would gladly put on a mask just to cover the acne breakouts on my face.

Throughout the years I researched products and ingredients, trying to figure out what would work, creating my own skin regimen. It wasn’t until 2021 I found an esthetician who specialized in acne. Her method along with my own research, dedication, and discipline not only cleared my acne and hyperpigmentation, but gave me confidence and improved my quality of life immensely. This gave me a newfound joy for performing what became a sacred ritual I was thankful to do daily. My own skin struggles, along with the esthetician who is now my mentor, inspired me to want to help others with their skin. I wanted to provide a service that would change lives. I find it even more rewarding that I can show clients pictures of my own progress, which gives them hope that things will get better.

When not in the studio enjoying my time providing skin treatments to my amazing clients; I spend time working as an ICU Registered Nurse (7+ years experience), working out, baking, volunteering, and spending time with family and friends.

My goal is to help you achieve healthy skin that you feel confident in everyday. My hope is that you leave every treatment grateful for the decision you made to take care of you.

Warmest Regards,
